Council Meeting 



Lead Officer / Executive Member 

Actions taken 



Delivering Effective Customer Services to York Residents 

Council resolves to request that the Executive, including as part of its current budget preparations:  

·         publicly acknowledges the hard work of customer services staff and the impact of increased workloads on their ability to meet resident expectations, and apologises for the council’s ongoing inability to effectively respond to residents’ issues in a timely way;  

·         commits to reinstate the customer services call-back service to residents once current vacant positions are filled and new staff have been trained;  

·         commits to reviewing the functioning of the relevant council services as a priority, with a focus to include: staffing and operating hours of the customer call centre;  

·         ensuring access to non-digital council services is an easy, straightforward process;  

·         categorisation of services on, and user-friendliness of, a council website a significant number of residents struggle to navigate;  

·         a more effective and simpler system for monitoring and recording of abusive calls to staff, including a clear structure for escalation, response and staff well-being support. 

Pauline Stuchfield  

Call- back service on track to be back in place by early summer 2023. Regarding abusive calls the steps being taken, monitoring and a team stress risk assessment approach were all outlined at Customer & Corporate Management of Scrutiny Committee on 6th March 2023. All other elements will be built into a coproduced Customer Strategy for approval in 2024. 

Update: policy under development regarding customer behaviour. Customer strategy delayed to be built into Customer Experience work following the restructure. 






Council Meeting 




Lead Officer / Executive Member 

Actions taken 




York Opposes Voter ID Requirements 

Council therefore resolves to: 

·         Request the Chief Operating Officer writes to the Cabinet Office to express the Council’s serious concern as to the introduction of mandatory Voter ID in any UK elections.  

Ian Floyd / Bryn Roberts 

Letter sent on 03/03/2023 to Government from West Yorkshire Chief Executives, which York supports, aimed at raising significant concerns relating to the implementation of the requirement for electors to show photographic identification in the polling station from 04/05/2023.  






·         Request a report is brought to a public meeting of the council’s Executive outlining: the plans and update on preparations to introduce mandatory voter ID for the May 2023 local election in York  


Ian Floyd / Bryn Roberts 

Report to be tabled at March’s Executive Meeting.  









·         the potential cost as well as consideration of any practical issues involved in issuing postal vote application forms to every eligible voter on the Electoral Register in York.use the council’s communications function to regularly promote postal voting, and frequently in the months prior to an election. 

Ian Floyd / Bryn Roberts 







Council Meeting 



Lead Officer / Executive Member 

Actions taken 



Introduction of Council Tax Premium for Second Homes 

Council therefore resolves to:  

· Request officers to bring a paper to a meeting of the Executive outlining the implications and options for implementing a 100% council tax premium of second homes in York, with a view to implementing the policy once national legislation has been granted Royal assent.  

Pauline Stuchfield  

The council is required to take any decision a year in advance of being able to apply any change in the liability for second homes.  The decision was taken in last years budget paper however the Act (Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill) has not yet been passed to allow LA’s the power to do this. 


The same decision is being included in this years budget papers to come into effect on 1st April 2025 should the Act be passed in time. 





·         Request the Chief Operating Officer to write to relevant Minsters on behalf of the Council in support of the introduction of the council tax premium for second homes and seek assurance that loopholes that could see second home owners avoid the payment of the premium will be addressed. 

Pauline Stuchfield/Ian Floyd 






Council Meeting 



Lead Officer / Executive Member 

Actions taken 



Care Leavers’ Transport Costs 

Council therefore resolves to request that following May’s elections, the new Executive consider what additional offer could be made to Care Leavers including assessing the feasibility of also offering care leavers the option of: 

·         Financial assistance with annual bus travel, a 16–25 rail card and discounted access to the TIER e-cycle/ e-scooter scheme up to the age of 25; 

·         Free urban cycle skills training; 

·         A contribution towards a bicycle and appropriate protective clothing and through working with partners, find ways to cover the full costs of a new bicycle and appropriate accessories. 

New Administration / 

Martin Kelly   







Council Meeting 



Lead Officer / Executive Member 

Actions taken 




Return to Community Policing 

The Council consequently resolves to: 

·         Request that Group Leaders write to the North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner calling for a reversal of the current freeze in PCSO recruitment and commitment to significantly increase the number of PCSOs in the region. 

Group Leaders / James Gilchrist / Jane Mowat   






·         Request that Council officers work with the North Yorkshire Police to produce a report to the Executive Member on how neighbourhood improvement plans can be developed, which review how best to holistically design out anti-social behaviour in the area. 

James Gilchrist / Jane Mowat 

To be discussed with the new Executive once the Safer York Partnership Strategy has been completed. 





·         Invite the North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner to a public meeting to answer councillor questions and set out plans to improve community policing in York. 

Bryn Roberts  





·         Call on Safer York Partnership chair to explore best ways to embed Community Safety Officers within the Community Safety Hub. 

James Gilchrist / Jane Mowat 


Working ongoing between the Police (who chair Safer York Partnership) and Council and other partners to best deliver the strategy. 





·         Request that the Safer York Partnership representatives engage and consult ward councillors in the development of the Community Safety Strategy 2023-2026. 

James Gilchrist / Jane Mowat 


For the First Time it is proposed that the Community Safety Strategy developed by the Council and partners is approved at Executive and Council.  




Council Meeting 



Lead Officer / Executive Member 

Actions taken 




Removing Barriers to an Education and Educational Attainment 

Council resolves: 

·         to request the Executive commits the council to a policy of working with external organisations to provide FSM to all primary school pupils, starting with those schools most in need; 


2 Primary schools have piloted universal free school meals and free school breakfasts from January 2024.  The Community Fund has been established to support the York Hungry Minds Project. 




·         to write to all York secondary schools, highlighting the Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) ‘Cost of the School Day’ project to ask that students eligible for FSMs are able to use their allowance at any time during the school day, and to agree to the rolling over of any unspent money to be used in the future; 

Martin Kelly / Maxine Squire / Pauline Stuchfield  

York Schools and Academies Board have adopted poverty proofing as one of their priorities for 2023-24. 




·         to commit to a twin track approach of working through the LGA on FSM automatic enrolment as well as expanding eligibility for FSM by increasing the income threshold, and through the NEU on ensuring FSM provision becomes universal for every primary school child; 

Martin Kelly / Maxine Squire / Pauline Stuchfield  

Auto enrolment has been piloted with two primary schools in September 2023.  The council is continuing to work with the Fix Our Food Project to scale up auto enrolment to include all schools in 2023-24.   Work is taking place to roll out auto enrolment across all schools for the academic year 2024-25. 




·         to write, through the Corporate Director for Children’s Services, to all local authority-maintained schools and academy schools: 

·         requesting information on how they are meeting Government statutory guidance on keeping school uniform affordable, and keeping branded items to a minimum, to reassure Council that schools are not excluding students based on income and are genuinely open to all; 

·         inviting all schools to work with the local authority in developing a York protocol which describes ‘What should be ordinarily available’ for pupils with SEND ensuring there is a fair and consistent application of the SEND Code of Practice by schools to protect the rights of these pupils. 

Martin Kelly / Maxine Squire 

A letter has been sent to all schools reminding them about government statutory guidance on school uniform.  Schools are following this guidance when reviewing uniform.  A large number of the city’s schools have implemented school uniform exchange schemes. 


Ordinarily available provision for SEND guidance has been drafted and published via the SEND local offer.  The new guidance document is being launched with all schools at the SEND conference on 20th November. 






Council Meeting 



Lead Officer / Executive Member 

Actions taken 




Council Backs Haxby Station Project 

The Council therefore resolves to: 

·         Endorse and commit to the Haxby station project, and fully back it to ensure its success. 






·         Request that all group leaders send a joint letter to the Department for Transport and Network Rail supporting the project and urging for the remaining Government funding to be released from the Restoring Your Railway Fund to enable to proceed with the project at pace. 

Group Leaders  





Council Meeting 



Lead Officer / Executive Member 

Actions taken 



Safeguarding York’s future 

The council resolves to request  

·         that the Lord Mayor and Executive Members begin Full 

Council, Executive meetings and Executive Member 

Decision Sessions respectively by reminding Members of the 

remaining days until 1st January 2030, by which time we 

have pledged to be carbon neutral and requesting that 

Members keep this at the forefront of their minds when taking decisions; 






·         that the Leader writes to our local MPs urging them to sign 

up to support the Climate & Ecology Bill, or thanking them for already doing so; and write to Zero Hour, and organisers of 

the cross-party campaign for the Climate & Ecology Bill, 

expressing its support; 

Cllr Douglas   / Claire Foale  





·         that the Executive develops a process that demonstrates 

clear commitment to a strengthened York 10-year Climate 

Change Strategy by exploring a series of intermediate 

carbon reduction targets, following exploration of the topic at Corporate and Climate Scrutiny Committee and following 

receipt of an options report to Executive; 

Executive Members /  

Claire Foale  

Discussion to explore intermediate targets held at October 2023 Scrutiny, report going to EDMS in January 2024 




·         that the Executive Member for Transport brings forward an 

updated Local Transport Plan that reflects the latest science 

and which includes ambitious targets in line with a 

strengthened York 10-year Climate Strategy; 

Cllr Kilbane /  

 Neil Ferris /  

James Gilchrist  

Report went to October Executive 2023 with Policy Focus Areas, detailed consultation will take place during winter 2023/24 on detailed policies before adoption by Exec/Council in the Spring 




·         that the Executive Members for Environment and Climate 

Emergency take steps to implement the actions that deliver 

on the Pollinator Strategy to achieve a measurable increase 

in biodiversity. 

Councillors Jenny Kent and Kate Ravilious 





Council Meeting 



Lead Officer / Executive Member 

Actions taken 



Highway Maintenance 

Council resolves to request that the Executive: 

·         Expedites the review of the Highways Safety Inspection 



To be considered as part of future review of Highway Infrastructure Asset Management. Being developed for devolution and the new Mayoral Combined Authority. The legal requirements for maintenance varies depending on the highways status. 





·         Explores as part of this review, a change to the 

‘investigatory level’ for potholes to 30mm vertical face depth is secured. 

Neil Ferris / 

 James Gilchrist  

Report to Executive scheduled spring 2024 of the additional funding required for this. 




·         Ensures that the relevant scrutiny committee and special 

interest groups (such as those relating to cycling and 

disability rights) are consulted to better understand the 

impacts of the current approach to highway maintenance 

as described in the Manual. 

Neil Ferris / 

 James Gilchrist 


Adoption of the Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Plan will go through public decision making.  Scrutiny agenda topics are not within officer control, but it will be suggested to the chair as part of decision making. 




·         That the strategic active travel network (as identified in the 

draft LCWIP) is prioritised for highway maintenance 

treatment and allocated a specific budget to complete 

maintenance to a safe standard throughout the year. 

Neil Ferris / 

 James Gilchrist 


To be considered as part of future review of Highway Infrastructure Asset Management. Being developed for devolution and the new Mayoral Combined Authority. The legal requirements for maintenance varies depending on the highways status. 




·         Trials a more efficient use of the Ward Highways Budget 

in 2023-24, reallocating it to establish a dedicated team 

that will have the flexibility to patch larger sections of road 

surface at a time, thereby delivering a longer lasting fix 

and better use of limited resources. 

Neil Ferris / 

 James Gilchrist 


Decision made at 20 July full council to suspend ward highway funding and spend on road repairs 




Council Meeting 



Lead Officer / Executive Member 

Actions taken 



Getting York Moving Fairly 

For the next four-year administration, Council asks the Executive 

to commit to: 

1. Look wherever possible to improve the cycle network, 

including better linking of villages 

2. Reverse the City Centre Blue Badge ban 

3. Rule out a Congestion Charge 

4. Address the stalled work on the dualling of the A1237 by 

working with stakeholders to deliver a scheme that meets the transport commitments within York’s Climate Change 

Strategy and the emerging Local Transport Plan. 

5. Calling on the new Mayoral Combined Authority, once 

established, to make taking back control of our buses a 



Executive Members  





Council Meeting 



Lead Officer / Executive Member 

Actions taken 



A city response to Food Insecurity 

This council resolves to ask the Executive to: 

·         write a letter to the Prime Minister and relevant ministers 

about the importance of introducing auto-enrolment for those entitled to free school meals; 

Executive Members /  

Martin Kelly / Maxine Squire / Pauline Stuchfield  

See below – auto-enrolment introduced. 




·         promote enrolment for free school meals to support children, young people and their families to help combat food 

insecurity and shortage in York; 

Martin Kelly / Maxine Squire / Pauline Stuchfield 


The CYC admissions team promote FSM support for children as do schools.  The scale up of auto enrolment is designed to ensure all those eligible receive the entitlement. 





·         encourage larger food providers in and around York to sign 

up to York’s Good Business Charter, including paying the 

Real Living Wage; 

Martin Kelly / Pauline Stuchfield 


Not started 




·         work more closely with Parish Councils and groups like 

Edible York and YACIO (York Allotments Charitable 

Incorporated Organisation) to develop ideas for increasing 

the number of public green spaces available for food 

production by communities across York; 

Martin Kelly  / Pauline Stuchfield 


See below 




·         request that the council’s scrutiny function undertakes a 

review of community food growing opportunities and makes 

recommendations to Executive to expand these 

opportunities, including considering the prospects for 

expanding an Edible York project in Tang Hall to other parts 

of the city to bring more underused gardens into use for food 


Martin Kelly / Pauline Stuchfield 


Food Scrutiny review in progress 





Council Meeting 



Lead Officer / Executive Member 

Actions taken 



Improving York’s Air Quality 

This Council resolves to request Executive: 

·          urgently completes and consults on a draft Air Quality Action Plan 4 in parallel with the emerging draft Local Transport Plan 4, taking into account the Council’s Climate Change and Health and Well-being strategies given the significant inter-relationships for some key pollutants; 

Neil Ferris /  

James Gilchrist / Claire Foale / Shaun Gibbons  

Air Quality Action Plan 4 has been drafted and has been considered at EPAT Scrutiny on 24 October 2023 and will go into a period of consultation over the winter  




·         includes within this work the WHO principle of progressively reducing average exposures to air pollution in York and to set its own interim WHO-based targets for pollutants within the authority’s influence, such as PM10 and NO2. 

Neil Ferris /  

James Gilchrist / Claire Foale / Shaun Gibbons 


Air Quality Action Plan 4 has been drafted and has been considered at EPAT Scrutiny on 24 October 2023 and will go into a period of consultation. This includes details on statutory targets as well as aiming towards WHO targets 




·         ensures York prioritises actions that will end exceedances of the current English statutory air quality targets as soon as possible within the AQAP 4 period; 

Neil Ferris /  

James Gilchrist / Claire Foale / Shaun Gibbons 


Political choice within the framework of emerging policies that officers will operate within. The consultation will inform future reports. 




·         Works together with York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority and other counterparts to address regional sources of air pollution. 

Neil Ferris /  

James Gilchrist / Claire Foale / Shaun Gibbons 


Air Quality Action Plan 4 has been drafted and has been considered at EPAT Scrutiny on 24 October 2023 and will go into a period of consultation. Already work with them through the Yorkshire and Lincolnshire Pollution Advisory Group which includes Air Quality.  Part of the consultation on AQAP4 is to consult neighbouring authorities. 





and Council resolves in writing, with copies to York’s MPs, to call for the Government to: 

·         adopt site-specific targets with the aim of improving air quality in vulnerable locations such as schools, hospitals, care homes, sites of special scientific interest and similar other ecologically vulnerable sites; 

Neil Ferris /  

James Gilchrist / Claire Foale / Shaun Gibbons 


Executive/Political Assistant should be lobbying 




·         address the shortcomings of the National Planning Policy Framework and Building regulations with respect to air pollution from buildings including construction projects, gas boilers, solid fuel fires and stoves, from poor ventilation of buildings and from the impact on air quality of transport emissions associated with new developments and from agricultural practices; 

Neil Ferris /  

James Gilchrist / Claire Foale / Shaun Gibbons 


Executive/Political Assistant should be lobbying 





·         address the shortcomings in other legislation with regard to household furnishing, cleaning and other products used in residential and workplace settings which can adversely affect indoor air quality. 

Neil Ferris /  

James Gilchrist / Claire Foale / Shaun Gibbons 


Executive/Political Assistant should be lobbying 




Council Meeting 



Lead Officer / Executive Member 

Actions taken 



Get me home safely 

Council resolves to 

·         Fully support Unite's "Get me Home Safely" campaign; 






·         Request that through the Purple Flag Working Group, officers work with partners to help implement the aims of this campaign; 

 Pauline Stuchfield James Gilchrist 


The BID now lead on Purple Flag. The Bid have recently access OPFCC funding to improve and light up some of the darkest alleyways to improve safety. Looking also at short messaging videos on people getting home safely 

Ongoing led by the Bid 



·         Ask the Licensing Committee to undertake policy consultation work on encouraging licence holders to offer free transport to workers for getting home safely after 11pm, with a view to this recommendation being added under ‘Night-time safety’ provisions when the Statement of Licensing Policy is next reviewed; 

Executive Members 






·         Support the introduction of legal requirements for training transport workers on preventing gender-based violence, sexual assault and harassment on public transport and private hire vehicles; 

Pauline StuchfieldJames Gilchrist  


Statement of Licensing Policy due to be reviewed this year – could make recommendations on ‘night-time safety. Currently safeguarding and equalities is included in taxi driver training prior to licensing. Licensed drivers must undertake refresher training every 3 years  




·         Publicly call for improvement to late night and off-peak transport service provision to provide extra night services, as well as work with employers to discuss funding for supplementary taxi travel; 

Executive Members  






·         Publicly call for the lowering of bus fares and opposition to any cuts to public transport funding and write to our two Members of Parliament to outline the Council’s support for the Get Me Home Safely campaign and ask them to use their positions to achieve these aims and resolutions; 

Executive Members  






·         Publicly call for the municipal ownership of buses to be actively considered and lessons learned from the experience of other cities and regions, including the bus franchising systems being pursued by Labour Metro Mayors in West Yorkshire, Liverpool City Region and Greater Manchester, in order to lower prices and improve service provision, especially for night-time and off-peak services; 

Executive Members  






·         Make representation to appropriate sub-regional and national government to bring forward national minimum standards for taxis and private hire, as per the recommendations of the 2018 national Task and Finish Group, and in support of this motion and its demands on behalf of our local community. 

Executive Members 





Council Meeting 



Lead Officer / Executive Member 

Actions taken 



Recognising and supporting York’s neurodivergent adults 



Council resolves: 

·         To write to encourage the ICB to use the public engagement process to communicate more openly how the assessment pathway process works, the challenges with it and how information on outcomes could be provided for those completing the North Yorkshire and York online Platform for Adult Autism and ADHD Referral. 


Michael Melvin  

ICB written to. 




·         To request an update report be presented to Health, Housing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee on the work of council services in supporting neurodivergent adults in York, including child to adult transitions. 



Michael Melvin  

This work is currently ongoing.  




·         To request that the Head of Paid Service communicates with all staff expressing the importance of removing barriers wherever possible, such that neurodivergent staff and residents are enabled to better access Council support and services. 


Ian Floyd / 

Michael Melvin  






Claire Foale  

To take an update report to Health, Housing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee on the work of council services in supporting neurodivergent adults in York, including child to adult transitions. 


To include in weekly staff comms once  a date has been agreed to take to the Scrutiny Committee  




·         To renew the city’s Autism Strategy and use this opportunity for City of York Council to reaffirm and widen the city’s commitment to autistic and neurodivergent people in York, learning from the challenges of the current NHS pilot to ensure there is meaningful engagement with local groups about how to improve support to meet the needs of neurodivergent residents accessing its services. 


Michael Melvin  

Development of the Autism strategy has been agreed through CMT. Public Health are completing a Health Needs assessment between April and November. CYC and ICB officers are working in regards to the strategy throughout the Spring and Summer of 2024. 




·         To ensure national Government is made aware of the perfect storm of increased demand for adult assessment, diagnosis and support for autism/ ADHD set against the backdrop of low levels of funding to support neurodiverse adults and to local authorities like City of York Council to provide the support they would like for their residents. 


Michael Melvin  




Council Meeting 



Lead Officer / Executive Member 

Actions taken 



The Fair Game campaign for football clubs 

Council resolves: 

  • To declare its support for Fair Game, and call on other councils to join us in our support.  






  • To ask the Chief Operating Officer to write to the Minister for Sport, local Members of Parliament, and the Chair of the Local Government Association Culture, Tourism and Sport Board, to lobby for the following to be included in the new remit of the Independent Regulator: 
  • Football’s financial flow (particularly over: proportion of broadcast revenues given by the Premier League, the abolition of parachute payments, and the allocation of funds from the Premier League);  
  • Owners’ and Directors’ Test to include an ‘ethics’ dimension, particularly around human rights;  
  • Implementation of a Fair Game Index to accurately measure club’s progress; 
  • To include National League North and South clubs under their control;  
  • To have stronger powers to implement and enforce governance; and  
  • Measurement of equality standards and environmental standards.  

Ian Floyd  

Letter sent 22.01.24. Closed.   




·         To ask the council’s Children, Culture and Communities Scrutiny Committee to discuss at a meeting in the current municipal year the important role that York City Football Club plays in the culture and heritage of the city and to explore ways in which we can work together to support the club and York City Football Club Foundation with its work in the local community. 


Martin Kelly  

Completed in April 2024 



Council Meeting 



Lead Officer / Executive Member 

Actions taken 



Working to improve Mental Health 


Council resolves to: 

·         express its disappointment at the shelving of planned reforms to the Mental Health Act in the recent King’s Speech, reforms designed to address amongst other issues, the inappropriate detention of different groups of people against their will. 


Michael Melvin  

These issues are now raised, through the York Mental Health Partnership, with partners within York who will take forward through a system approach.  




·         call on relevant bodies and stakeholders to support preventative mental health measures, such as mental health support for children and young people and support for counselling services that take into account cost of living pressures. 


Michael Melvin  

These issues are now raised, through the York Mental Health Partnership, with partners within York who will take forward through a system approach.  




·         work with local healthcare partners to encourage them to ensure patients have a holistic triage on admission with a mandatory Safety Plan on return to the community. 


Michael Melvin  

These issues are now raised, through the York Mental Health Partnership, with partners within York who will take forward through a system approach.  




·         work with health partners to end out of area transfers where practical so that mental health patients are supported as close to home as possible. 


Michael Melvin 

These issues are now raised, through the York Mental Health Partnership, with partners within York who will take forward through a system approach.  




·         explore how it can support and build on the work of York Ending Stigma (YES - to reduce stigma and improve attitudes on mental health issues in both its staff and the residents it serves. 


Michael Melvin  

These issues are now raised, through the York Mental Health Partnership, with partners within York who will take forward through a system approach.  




·         ask that relevant council officers, the Executive Member for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social care and commissioned services consult fully with mental health charities and service users when planning changes to mental health support services. 


Michael Melvin 

These issues are now raised, through the York Mental Health Partnership, with partners within York who will take forward through a system approach.  




·         Encourage all members of the Council to support the Movember campaign to raise funds for men’s mental health. 

Michael Melvin  

Campaign has been undertaken. 



Council Meeting 



Lead Officer / Executive Member 

Actions taken 



Withdrawal of the Public Switched Telephone Network 


Council resolves: 


·         To ask the Corporate Services, Climate Change and Scrutiny Management Committee to include as an agenda item at a meeting of that committee or another scrutiny committee in the next three months, consideration of York’s level of preparedness for this change. Participants in the discussion could include local authority, telecoms, NHS, care, voluntary sector and other partners as appropriate. 


Pauline Stuchfield 





·         To ask the relevant Executive Members to ensure that all front-line staff working with groups who may be particularly affected by this change are suitably briefed in order to be able to direct residents and their families/carers to sources of information and support. 


Pauline Stuchfield 


In Progress


Council Meeting 



Lead Officer / Executive Member 

Actions taken 



Making York a Trauma Informed City 

Council resolves: 

·          To take steps to become a Trauma-Informed City and commits to working in partnership to embed Trauma-Informed frameworks across services and partner agencies, working in co-production with trauma survivors; 






·         To ask the Executive Member for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care and Executive colleagues to explore the introduction of a Trauma-Informed framework across Council services; 






·         To request the Executive Member for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care explore the introduction of training for staff and councillors, including e-learning modules, that enables City of York Council to become a Trauma-Informed organisation; 


Pilot of in house training being held in June 2024 with cohort of customer and housing officers and CMT 




·         To work with partner organisations to implement a city-wide approach to raising awareness of the impact of trauma and how becoming Trauma-Informed can help to support trauma survivors; 






·         To consider the implications of making it a requirement in commissioned contracts and services that partner organisations can demonstrate they have, or are implementing, a Trauma-Informed framework; 






·         To recommend the Health, Housing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee request a report from TEWV NHS Trust on its prior application and progress in moving beyond the use of the BPD+ protocol, an assessment of current staff understanding and the outlining of any trauma-informed approaches it is implementing. 





Council Meeting 



Lead Officer / Executive Member 

Actions taken 



Safeguarding future library provision 

Council resolves: 

·         To ask the relevant Executive Member and council officers to continue engaging proactively in the next three months with York Explore, service users and, through Scrutiny, elected members of all parties in order to ensure that future library provision in York continues to meet residents’ needs and expectations, including reforming the mobile library service and retaining the number of staffed libraries and library services, including to outlying areas not covered by Gateway or Explore libraries across the city; 


Pauline Stuchfield


 In Progress



·         To request the Executive Member for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care and the Leader of the Council write to the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, and the Arts Council, to clarify the council’s financial position and to reassure them of the council’s commitment to York’s libraries and archives. 




In Progress


Council Meeting 



Lead Officer / Executive Member 

Actions taken 



Affordable Housing Motion 

Council resolves: 

• That following adoption of York’s Local Plan, the relevant 

officers, scrutiny and executive should examine examples 

elsewhere in the country that seek to make housing more 

affordable for their residents, including through any powers 

available at Mayoral Combined Authority level; 

Alison Cooke / Andrew Beddington 





·         This should include consideration of broadening the affordable housing criteria to include residents paying no more than a set percentage of their incomes in mortgages. It should also compare such an approach with existing council policy of homes for sale valued at a more traditional reduced level of market value, arising from s106 developer contributions; 






·         Further, to request Executive reviews the council’s policy on developer social housing contributions, with an assessment of whether adding new council homes through this mechanism would improve the supply and quality of nationally-defined affordable homes to York residents. 





Council Meeting 



Lead Officer / Executive Member 

Actions taken 



My Vote, My Voice 

Council resolves to request the Returning Officer: 

·         considers the city’s polling stations for any accessibility 


·         considers how greater awareness of voting rights through social media activity can be advanced, particularly for hard-to-reach groups; 

·          provides as much detail as possible on the different roles for which individuals stand for election, to encourage greater voter participation, subject to relevant legislation. 


Comprehensive comms plan underway including radio, leaflet door drop, media releases/press, social and targeted social delivered in partnership with NYC 




And requests the Chief Operating Officer write to the relevant Minister within the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities on: 

·         ways to make registering to vote easier, while maintaining the integrity of the electoral process, in order to increase voter participation.